Perl CGI program scripts from free Perl CGI Site and Page Counter and Log Scripts - LogCount
4 counters in 1
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aussie, aussie, aussie. oy! oy! oy! Australian Olympic Committee boxing kangaroo
Link to this Site as a web resource I am proud to offer this program as an adjunct to the HTML Tutorials to assist webmasters
LogCount • Record logs in US, British, or International date format • Remote Time Zone reporting •
• Discover how many visitors are using image or text Hyperlinks •

Track visitors through your site.
    LogCount also logs via a time display.

version 3.8

Unix Perl 5 CGI "Site" Counter script.
• home of the unique VizBook and ennyForms, E-Lists / ListMerge mailing, and LogCount, the versatile site counting / logging program.
Visa / MasterCard direct to bank secure on-line payment

Not have enough time to install Unix perl cgi programs?

No time to learn how to install Unix perl cgi scripts?

view the info page then contact us.

Prefessional discretion
and privacy assured.


Program created by Ron Woolley.

If you use a PC Firewall like pathetic Nortons and think it a good idea to switch off browser referrer info - which the server has already obtained anyway, or use a browser like NS which by default set-up stupidly uses cache totally as if off-line, then this and any server has the right to consider you a risk and you will experience problems because of lack of STANDARD HTTP conversation protocols. But of course as a webmaster on a network you should already know that!! ...and appreciate CGI software which reacts that way to your visitors.
May 2013: While here, looking for a truly versatile multi purpose Guest Book type program?
Have a look at the new VizBookPhoenix major 2013 upgrade.
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>> usage questions to author forum.
Three Counters in One - each with options
  •  Img Src show + count
  •  Img Src show - count
  •  SSI Text + count
  •  SSI Image + count
  •  Hidden counting
  •  Hyperlink counting
  •  Saved Hit log
  •  Saved Bad Referer log
  •  Prune log via admin
  •  Adjust GMTime -admin
  •  Leading Zeros display
  •  Clock with count
  •  Clock without count
  •  US, British, Interntl dates
  •  Free basic viewer & admin
  •  Utility assisted installation
  •  1 efficient counter script
  •  Edit links via admin
  •  Generate Tags via admin
  •  Unique visitor tracking
  •  Display of unique IP#s
  •  Detailed HTML Help page
Does NOT require resource hogging MySQL binary DBs
(hit counters using MySQL etc should be avoided).
a free-to-use Perl CGI script • For intermediate-level installation experience
LogCount 3.8
supplied image sets or use your own
The versatility of LogCount - all in one package
Count - Time/Image, Non SSI & SSI Counting, plus Link Counting, Viewing

Retaining the same version number, the error logging has been improved. Only one file needs replacing not affecting any existing v3.8 logs or counters.... enclosed text file explains.

Created for simple low hit rate AND busy sites not yet requiring the expense of "WebTrends" S/W for server log analysis, LogCount does NOT use repeat / reload blocking gimmicks which are unsuitable/inaccurate for analysis and/or on busy sites... if you want that then do NOT try LogCount as the program is for both SSI image/non-image and NON-SSI image hit logging and log analysis - we suggest you have a look at "CountitNow" for that alternative ...we are not associated.

LogCount has undergone many improvements/additions since first public availability late 1998, is popular, and development support will continue. v3.8 New options plus major LogLook log viewer upgrade.

Alexander Kolesnikov. Moscow, Russia
Dear Ron, Thank you very much for the counter, it saved me lots of time....

LogCount cgi is a versatile free-to-use Unix web site counter script written for Perl 5. The counter script is not large, allows you to use your own images, and includes several handy features enabling it to control all hit logging needs of most web sites - all in one package.

LogCount usage and options:
Normal Img-Src counting
Leading Zero control
Hidden counting
Visible Image counting / Non-counting
Time Display Image counting / Non-counting
Hyperlink Click counting
Page Count Display - site log updated
SSI counting
SSI Hidden Counter
SSI Text Display counting
SSI Img Image Display counting new v 3.5e
SSI With or Without leading zeros new v 3.5e
Extras / Options
• Auto Hyperlink-with-Click-Total SSI text display - utility program
View/Track hits via included viewer and admin program
Admin generates all tags for easy copy & paste
• Saves 'Bad Referrer' log

• visually track visitors page accesses
• view most popular pages
• view browser type comparisons
• view total unique IP#s and pages-viewed averages
• view above for any date retained in the current log
• view IP# page totals for any date in the current log

The link counting option is not only for page links, but very useful for counting file downloads etc too (file down loads on this site are counted by LogCount).

All programs available here at receive regular reviews and upgrades. They are not just created and forgotten as happens with some programs.

Also supplied is a separate basic log viewer, LogLook, which easily displays the count totals of any counted hyperlinks, plus.... a unique colour coded track of each visitors page hits, IP#s, page names, hit time, unique IP# totals, and visitors server names. An advanced viewer is under development - see above.


professional installations
for those willing to support my free-to-use programs.

As of v3.5, extra administrative functions were added to the free simple log viewer enabling the..

• adding, editing, deleting, tag generation, of the counted hyperlinks option available with Logcount,
• pruning of the log file when it grows too large,
• the copy & paste generation of all tags for hidden, counting and non counting count or clock options - and SSI tags,
• plus GMTime zone adjustment
.... all editing is double password protected.

When installing, date reporting can be set up for US, British, or International date formats - ie 10/23/1999, 23/10/1999, 1999/10/23.
note: The next version will allow 12/24 hour time when using the "Time Display" counting/non counting option.

Steve Ellis. Sacramento Ca. USA
I have installed the Log Count program and I am very happy with the way it is working. I am somewhat new to cgi. ....But yours is very good and works all the time. So thanx for making this availible for us small guys who can not afford the scripting otherwise....

Counting and Logging
LogCount can be called from an Image Source tag, a Hyperlink tag, or a Server Side Include tag ( three counters in one ). The latter allows you to 'include' the output as normal Text or .gif Images on a web page if your server allows SSI calls - ie: "dtp-aus site count " (comma delimited available in v3.85) A separate file records the number of times visitors use counted hyperlinks on your site, and totals are displayed via the supplied LogLook or included SSI utilities. All critical file writing is protected by 'file locking'.

Link-Click Count Display - non counting
Also included with v3.5"b" are two new simple SSI scripts replacing the previous one that allows you to place the count total of any LogCount "named" hyperlink in SSI enabled HTML pages. These small scripts are simply copied and renamed with the same name for each counted link total you want to display. The results could be something like - ie
     "2675 Total clicks"
the automatic inclusion of the hyper link as "name" and current total - ie
     "Download Barts-Zip(873)". LogLook generates the tags for you.

Unique IP#s
( often wrongly referred to as "unique visitors" in other programs; note: AOL is no longer the only big ISP supplying dynamic IP#s! )
... are now listed by LogLook v3.5d. The gimmick of trying to catch page reloads is not used by LogCount, which via a simple log viewer allows visual tracking of every visitor throughout your site similar to real server logs. As ISPs now have many thousands (some - millions) of clients, once a site becomes busy there is no way of efficiently defining different visitors from the same ISP - one recently available basic program even rejects many hundreds of innocent IP#s!. LogLook simply displays the log "total" and displayed "daily totals" of unique IP#s for you. The viewer then allows you to discern trends or visitor preferences.

Craig Patrick
Hi, couple of things.
Number 1 - LogCount - It's AMAZING! I'm extrem,ely impressed. Thanks for making it AND making it freely available. ....

Upgrading from the previous version 3.3 is just a matter of replacing both programs and adding several new variables to the config file - note config files renamed... use as is or as previous. v3.5e adds another 3 variables to 3.5d.

• All Ron Woolley's admin supported programs have ALWAYS required double (two) passwords for access and editing (if you do not appreciate why, find it bothersome, and don't care that you may often allow other sites to discover your single passwords to admin applications editing... we even discover same occassionally via our own version of LogCount... then please do not complain!)

View the LogCount samples Page

Know of a good sycho analyst to help this moron?
Much the same goes for Gordon Smith, Willimantic, CT USA

There are a few small 'require' files attached using a sub directory common to all my other scripts. Installation should be straight forward only requiring the included basic log viewing script plus another logs and images directory. Other image sets readily obtained via the Internet can be used, but the default image sets displayed above, the Readme.htm file, 'require' files, LogLook viewer cgi script, and LogCount cgi can be down loaded in one .zip file.

NOTE: These scripts are created as working programs for webmasters, and not the common "play with and copy" free scripts found on some sites. If you are affronted by this, then please use someone else's programs.

  All programs include utilities to check Unix perl version, plus create and chmod directories and files - works on most sites - and a detailed HTML help page.  


Copyright Australia & 130+ countries per Berne Convention; including USA!
To obtain this program you must have an "attachment" enabled
e-mail POP account and a Javascript enabled browser.
Poorly set up PC Firewalls and hidden ISPs may block your request
...and do not complain if using NS default caching!
If you agree to above, extract the selected compressed file in a local-computer directory before proper FTP up loading and it will place all files into the suggested directories. You must read 'readme.htm' and alter the configuration variables in the config files before FTP posting to your site.
Your POP account must be able to receive MIME "attachments"
You will also need your existing unique Tracking Number!
OR click if you have Forgotten your **Tracking Number?
OR to obtain **Tracking Number Click Here [ get once for all ]
ALL but Subscribe are "Required"
**Tracking Number
Select - difference is CR/LF or LF line ends
*First Name
*E-Mail Address
*Repeat Address
*Site URL site for which this installation is intended
note: empty attached .zip files are the product of ISP filtering, not the sending process ! ...particularly evident too with "free" email accounts; bounces from which our system simply ignores.

NOT for install help, but users can access the forum
processed by ennyForms v2.1Rp
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Count-S Dev Beta

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