LogCount | • Record logs in US, British, or International date format • Remote Time Zone reporting • • Discover how many visitors are using image or text Hyperlinks • Track visitors through your site. |
LogCount also logs via a time display. |
Count - Time/Image, Non SSI & SSI Counting, plus Link Counting, Viewing DECEMBER 2000 Created for simple low hit rate AND busy sites not yet requiring the expense of "WebTrends" S/W for server log analysis, LogCount does NOT use repeat / reload blocking gimmicks which are unsuitable/inaccurate for analysis and/or on busy sites... if you want that then do NOT try LogCount as the program is for both SSI image/non-image and NON-SSI image hit logging and log analysis - we suggest you have a look at "CountitNow" for that alternative ...we are not associated. LogCount has undergone many improvements/additions since first public availability late 1998, is popular, and development support will continue. v3.8 New options plus major LogLook log viewer upgrade.
LogCount cgi is a versatile free-to-use Unix web site counter script written for Perl 5. The counter script is not large, allows you to use your own images, and includes several handy features enabling it to control all hit logging needs of most web sites - all in one package.
The link counting option is not only for page links, but very useful for counting file downloads etc too (file down loads on this site are counted by LogCount). All programs available here at dtp-aus.com receive regular reviews and upgrades. They are not just created and forgotten as happens with some programs. Also supplied is a separate basic log viewer, LogLook, which easily displays the count totals of any counted hyperlinks, plus.... a unique colour coded track of each visitors page hits, IP#s, page names, hit time, unique IP# totals, and visitors server names. An advanced viewer is under development - see above. |
As of v3.5, extra administrative functions were added to the free simple log viewer enabling the..
When installing, date reporting can be set up for US, British, or International date formats - ie 10/23/1999, 23/10/1999, 1999/10/23.
Counting and Logging Link-Click Count Display - non counting Unique IP#s
Upgrades All Ron Woolley's admin supported programs have ALWAYS required double (two) passwords for access and editing (if you do not appreciate why, find it bothersome, and don't care that you may often allow other sites to discover your single passwords to admin applications editing... we even discover same occassionally via our own version of LogCount... then please do not complain!)
Know of a good sycho analyst to help this moron? There are a few small 'require' files attached using a sub directory common to all my other scripts. Installation should be straight forward only requiring the included basic log viewing script plus another logs and images directory. Other image sets readily obtained via the Internet can be used, but the default image sets displayed above, the Readme.htm file, 'require' files, LogLook viewer cgi script, and LogCount cgi can be down loaded in one .zip file. NOTE: These scripts are created as working programs for webmasters, and not the common "play with and copy" free scripts found on some sites. If you are affronted by this, then please use someone else's programs. |
All programs include utilities to check Unix perl version, plus create and chmod directories and files - works on most sites - and a detailed HTML help page. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||