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FREE HTML Back Grounds Images & Stuff #7
Right Mouse Button click on an image and select "Save Image As" or similar
Mac? just hold the Mouse Button down on an image.

Change background colour - below (javascript)

foo.gif (292 bytes)
foos.gif (247 bytes)

bar13.gif (1369 bytes)
bar13s.gif (1118 bytes)

bar1.gif (726 bytes)
bar1s.gif (662 bytes)

bar12.gif (1262 bytes)
bar12s.gif (997 bytes)

bar2.gif (733 bytes)
bar2s.gif (671 bytes)

bar10.gif (1897 bytes)
bar10s.gif (1268 bytes)

bar3.gif (733 bytes)
bar3s.gif (671 bytes)

bar11.gif (1539 bytes)
bar11s.gif (1223 bytes)

bar4.gif (733 bytes)
bar4s.gif (671 bytes)

bar5.gif (1951 bytes) bar5s.gif (1305 bytes)

bar8.gif (723 bytes)
bar8s.gif (659 bytes)

bar6.gif (1279 bytes)
bar6s.gif (888 bytes)

bar9.gif (490 bytes)
bar9s.gif (426 bytes)

bar7.gif (2001 bytes)
bar7s.gif (1547 bytes)

bar14.gif (10900 bytes)

bar15.gif (11330 bytes)

These images are not to be offered else where, in any way, for any purpose.

...and for browsers with Java Script Enabled, pick a New Background:

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e-mail ©1997 '98. Last Revised:  Friday, 31 October 2003 22:04